Federico Camerin - Thesis Defense
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It is with great pleasure that we can announce the first dissertation thesis defense within urbanHIST project – the doctoral candidate Federico Camerin defended his doctoral thesis “The role of the Great Property in the European City-Making Process in the last third of the 20th Century: Military Property as Reference” on 24 June 2020 through a public online presentation with the attendance of approximately 20 people. The quality of his work was certified by the final vote, “sobresaliente” (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain) and “magna cum laude” (Bauhaus Universitaet Weimar, Germany) so he was awarded the double degree of “Doctor en Arquitectura” and “Doctor Philosophiae” through the bi-national doctoral procedure based on the cotutelle agreement.
Congratulations, Federico, on behalf of urbanHIST community.
Local Training Seminars at UVa – April/May 2020
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Our beneficiary universities continue training Early Stage Researchers despite the ongoing pandemic. One example is Universidad de Valladolid that organised two online sessions for its fellows in April and May 2020. On 3 April 2020, the online event "Rivers and cities. Recent experiences and new challenges“ took place, with the participance of the guest lecturer Pablo de la Cal (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain). The session had been introduced by ESR Ksenija Krsmanovic. During the webinar “Government Action in Town Planning in the 20th Century” on 8 May 2020, two lectures were given by the members of urbanHIST team at UVa - "Francoist Urbanism in Rural Areas: Covaleda” by Marina Jiménez (UVa), followed by "The Interior Agricultural Colonies of the Law of 1907: on the Scattered Settlements in the Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Colonization of the first half of the 20th Century" by Luis Santos y Ganges (UVa). The webinar was concluded by Laurent Coudroy de Lille (UPEC, France) with his contribution “From Vichy Regime to the Postwar Period in France (1940-1956). An Urbanism between Memory and History.” You are welcome to find more details in the attached posters and photos from the two sessions.
Local Training Event at UVa – Online Seminar - 19 March 2020
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Universidad de Valladolid is organising online session for its fellows on 19 March 2020. The lectures will be given by two members of urbanHIST team, Dr. Marina Jiménez Jiménez: “How to Make History of Town Planning from a Town Planning Concept” and Dr. Luis Santos Ganges: "A Thesis on History and Theoretical Approaches for its Presentation". Please find more details in the attached poster.
Local Training Event at UPJŠ – Open Lectures by prof. Matthew Rampley, Ph.D. on 3 - 4 March 2020
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On 3 - 4 March 2020 , the UPJŠ team is organising open lecture series within the urbanHIST training programme. The lectures will be given
by prof. Matthew Rampley, Ph.D., ERC Advanced Grant Principal Investigator (https://craace.com/) and senior researcher at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. Please refer to the poster for more information.
Network-Wide Workshop Week VII – urbanHIST Consortium at Universidad de Valladolid
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The seventh urbanHIST consortium-wide meeting was organised in Spain on 10-13 February 2020 by the Instituto Universitario de Urbanística of Universidad de Valladolid. It is the second time Valladolid has hosted our meeting, and it is the last get-together including training workshops for ESRs within urbanHIST. The event focused on the topic of CURRENT HORIZONS OF 20TH CENTURY URBAN HISTORY.
The rich programme of this seventh meeting included a considerable number of lectures given by renowned scholars from Spain, France, the UK and Germany: among them Joseph Ben Prestel (Freie Universität Berlin), Sabine Barles (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Rubén Pallol Trigueros (Univ. Complutense de Madrid), Javier Monclús Fraga (Universidad de Zaragoza), Denis Bocquet (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg) and José Luis Oyón (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña). The approached topics illustrated well the scope of urban history, presenting different research methods, angles and theoretical analysis.
Discussions and round tables were organised as well. To discuss the new challenges and debates on urbanism and urban planning history were invited Simon Gunn (Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester and EAUH member) and Dirk Schubert (HafenCity University Hamburg and IPHS member), Bertrando Bonfantini (Politecnico di Milano). And the round table invited Laurent Coudroy de Lille (École d’Urbanisme de Paris), Ángel Marinero Peral (Secretary-General of Development and Enviroment, PLAU-, JCyL), Eduardo Pedruelo Martín (Director of the Municipal Archive of Valladolid), and Alberto Sanz Hernando (Historical Service, COAM, Madrid) to debate about the « XXth Century European Urban Planning in Archives ».
The programme also included the visit of the exhibition “From the plan to the map: 50 years of urban planning in Valladolid” curated by Miguel Fernández Maroto, (Instituto Universitario de Urbanística, UVa), the Harald Bodenschatz and Max Welch Guerra book presentation Städtebau unter Salazar: Diktatorische Modernisierung des portugiesischen Imperiums 1926-1960, and a guided tour Urbanism and housing projects during Francoist Dictatorship.
The meeting, as usual, comprised ESR workshops oriented to their future career development, supervision meetings, and coordination meeting for local directors and coordinators. Four days of meeting, complimented by networking activities, contributed towards fostering the relationships between all participants. We would like to express our thanks to organisers of this event - Instituto Universitario de Urbanística of Universidad de Valladolid.
For more information and the complete list of lecturers, please refer to the programme of the event.
Agnès Dudych, ESR, UPJŠ in Košice
urbanHIST NWWW VII - Programme
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On 10 - 13 February 2020, urbanHIST team at UVa in Valladolid is organising the seventh workshop week in a series of network-wide workshop weeks. Please take a look at our promising programme. We are looking forward to meeting ESRs, their supervisors and urbanHIST teams, as well as representatives of APOs, NAPOs and Advisory Board members within the consortium.
Local Training Event at UPJŠ – Open Lectures by dr. Petr Roubal on 11 - 12 December 2019
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On 11 - 12 December 2019, the UPJŠ team is organising open lecture series within the urbanHIST training programme. The lectures will be given
by Petr Roubal, M.A., M.Phil., PhD. (Institute for Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences) on Prague post-socialist and post-communist
urban planning.
Local Training Event at UPJŠ – Webinar Lecture on 26 November 2019
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On 26 November 2019, the UPJŠ team is organising a webinar lecture within the urbanHIST training programme.
The lecture will be given by PhDr. Slávka OTČENÁŠOVÁ, MA., PhD. (Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice; Seconded National Expert at the European Research Council Executive Agency) on Postdoc Research and Funding Opportunities.

urbanHIST Visiting Stockholm
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In October 2019, the urbanHIST project (EC-H2020-MSCA) started the fourth year if its implementation. During this month, two international events took place on all-consortium level in Stockholm – the second scientific urbanHIST conference "Interpreting 20th Century European Urbanism" (21 - 23 October 2019) and Network-Wide Workshop Week VI (NWWW VI, 24 - 26 October 2019). Both events were visited by urbanHIST teams from beneficiary universities, partner organisations of the project as well as external international audience and guests.
The second urbanHIST conference took place in Wenner-Gren Center in Stockholm during 21 - 23 October 2019. All four beneficiary universities participated in organising the conference. The conference programme consisted of 4 keynote lectures, 3 discussion panels, 13 thematic tracks, and social and networking activities. Dedicated to the main theme "Interpreting 20th Century European Urbanism", the thematic focus of the conference relied heavily on the commitment of the urbanHIST Early Stage Researchers, who also presented their partial research results. All thematic tracks were proposed by urbanHIST doctoral students, who were also co-chairing individual thematic sessions having a senior researcher aside.
The keynote speakers were prof. Dr. Ing. arch. Henrieta Moravčíková from the Institute of History, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava and the Faculty of Architecture of Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, prof. RNDr. Luděk Sýkora, Ph.D. from Charles University in Prague, prof. Sasha Tsenkova from University of Calgary and Prof. Stephen V. Ward from Oxford Brookes University. Their selection displayed the conference and programme research interest. The discussion panels and roundtables marked the link between the urbanHIST leitmotif and the venue of the conference. Two of them thematised the neglected planning histories in the European periphery and argued the diversity of different research traditions regarding the history of the city and its planning. The third discussion panel chaired and organised by urbanHIST partner organisations ArkDes (The Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design) and Boverket (Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning) addressed gaps in sustainable urban development research in the Swedish planning discourse. Within the thematic tracks, almost 60 contributions of participants from four continents were presented, which demonstrates the international interest in the programme and its research fields.
The conference was followed by urbanHIST Network-Wide Workshop Week VI which took place in Hilton Hotel Slussen in Stockholm during 24 – 26 October 2019. NWWW VI comprised a number of regular consortium activities, such as ESRs meetings, management and Supervisory Board meetings. As usual, supervision meetings were held to discuss progress of doctoral students and set up further research steps. The main part of the NWWW VI consisted of training workshops dealing with the issues of application training, career options and thesis defence (led by Local Directors of the project), and a lecture on housing policy of European Union presented by Jan-Evert Nilsson from Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona. Finally, social events for urbanHIST participants made the stay in Stockholm even more engaging. The next workshop week of the consortium will take place in February 2020 in Valladolid, Spain.
Photo: Ebba Högstöm (BTH)

Update – urbanHIST Conference – Stockholm, 21-23 October 2019
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The urbanHIST consortium is delighted to present the updated conference schedule and track overview for the urbanHIST conference “Interpreting 20th Century European Urbanism” in Stockholm, 21-23 October 2019. We look very much forward to a fruitful and inspiring conference.
Please visit our conference website for further information:
Call for Abstracts – urbanHIST Conference – Stockholm, 21-23 October 2019
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urbanHIST organizes its second conference in Stockholm on 21-23 October 2019: Interpreting 20th Century European Urbanism. As an explicitly interdisciplinary project, we encourage submissions from urbanism, planning, and architectural historians; preservationists; geographers; museum curators, and independent scholars.
Abstracts should be uploaded on the online submission platform: www.bth.se/urbanhistconference
Local Training Event at UVa – Open Lecture on 9 May 2019
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On 9 May 2019, the UVa team is organising an open lecture within the urbanHIST training programme. The lecture will be given by Amparo de Urbina (Universidad de Colombia) on the topic of "Contemporary Trends of Historic City Centers Management in Europe and Latin America".
urbanHIST Webinar #4 organised by UVa
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On 3 May 2019, the UVa team organises the fourth urbanHIST webinar, which will be composed of two lectures - “Planning the Greater Paris” and “Transfers and exchanges” given by BEATRIZ FERNÁNDEZ ÁGUEDA from École d’Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France). See more information in the attached poster. The recording of the webinar will be published on https://www.urbanhist.eu/video soon.

Network-Wide Workshop Week V
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The fifth urbanHIST consortium-wide meeting was organised in Slovakia on 1 – 4 April 2019 by the Department of History, Faculty of Arts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. Such meeting was organised by UPJŠ urbanHIST team for the second time, following the NWWW IV in October 2018.
The programme of the meeting started with the 6 dissertation examinations of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) studying within the doctoral programme Slovak History at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ in Košice. They presented their research progress, defended the introductory chapters of their theses and underwent the thematic examination in front of the international examination committee. We congratulate all doctoral students to successfully passing the examination. After the examination, all 15 ESRs of the urbanHIST programme met and discussed the current issues of their study and work on the project during the official ESR Meeting.
Specialised workshops offered within the ESR-oriented part of the programme were focused on Academic Writing (Gareth Dyke, Ph.D., Charlesworth Group) and ERC Grants (PhDr. Slávka Otčenášová, MA., PhD., Department of History, FF UPJŠ; ERCEA). The Keynote Lecture was presented by Prof. Steinar Aas (Nord Universitet, Bodø) on the topic of Urbanisation and Urban Life in Scandinavia – the Role of Nature, Climate and Environment. Within the traditional parts of the programme, the doctoral candidates discussed their research progress with their supervisors during Supervision Meetings, and the management of the project discussed the further steps of the project implementation.
Several optional and networking activities completed the week – optional field trip, guided tour of Košice aimed at the 1st half of the 20th century (guide - Milan Kolcun), as well as common lunches and dinners offered the team several possibilities to meet and discuss also on an unofficial basis.
The following consortium meeting will be organised by BTH team in Stockholm, in October 2019.

urbanHIST NWWW V - Programme
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During 1 - 4 April 2019, urbanHIST team at UPJŠ in Košice is organising the fifth workshop week in a series of network-wide workshop weeks. Košice meeting promises an interesting programme again. We are looking forward to meeting all ESRs, their supervisors and urbanHIST teams, as well as representatives of APOs, NAPOs and Advisory Board members within the consortium.

UVa Training Activity
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On 20 March 2019, UVa will organise local training event - Ph.D. Colloquium followed with an open lecture given by prof. Peter Clark.
ESR Colloquium IV at UPJŠ
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On 6 March 2019, the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice organizes PhD. Colloquium within the regular training activities of urbanHIST. The urbanHIST Colloquium IV will be attended by the four ESRs employed at UPJŠ, as well as their supervising and coordinating team.
urbanHIST Webinar #3 organised by UVa
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On 5-6 March 2019, the UVa team organises the third issue of urbanHIST webinars - on the topic of Design History. This time, the event is divided into two days, see more information in the attached poster. The recording of the webinar will be published on www.urbanhist.eu soon.

urbanHIST Management Meeting in Prague
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On 11 January 2019, urbanHIST management team – local directors and local coordinators representing all four beneficiary universities – met in Prague for one day to discuss relevant issues of project implementation (e.g. progress of ESRs and their research projects, network-level training tracks, communication and outreach activities, reporting towards EC, project quality management, upcoming events etc.). The working meeting, although only one day long and very intensive, proved itself highly productive.
Let us present the urbanHIST consortium with one of the outcomes - updated information about the dates of upcoming urbanHIST training events (Network-Wide Workshop Weeks) in 2019:
NWWW V Košice: 1 - 4 April 2019
NWWW VI Stockholm: 21 - 25 October 2019

Season´s greetings and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!
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We thank you for your collaboration in 2018 and we are looking forward to our joint activities in the year 2019.
Max Welch Guerra, Christiane Kramer, María Castrillo, Marina Jiménez, Martin Pekár, Katarína Hajduková, Abdellah Abarkan, Annica Johansson
urbanHISTs Local Directors and Coordinators
The Seventh Issue of urbanHIST Newsletter Published
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In the seventh issue of the project quarterly, you are invited to read what is new in the urbanHIST family, covering the period from the late summer 2018 until the end of the year. Let us look back at NWWW IV and its workshops and training activities in Košice, feel free to find out more about urbanHIST ESRs participation at international conferences (IPHS, EAUH). Two Partner Organisations present their institutions, ESRs Andreea Blaga and Aliaksandr Shuba introduce themselves and their research and Annica Johansson (BTh Local Coordinator) reveals more about her work and duties in urbanHIST. Please, visit urbanHIST Newsletter section to find out more.

urbanHIST Consortium Meeting – NWWW IV
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The fourth network-wide workshop meeting in line of all-consortium meetings was organised in Slovakia on 1 – 5 October 2018 by the Department of History, Faculty of Arts of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University. Such meetings form an essential component of the urbanHIST (EC-H2020-MSCA-ITN) project implementation. One-week long programme comprised all-consortium activities, including the beneficiaries, partner organisations, members of Advisory Board and this time, also the representatives of European Commission.
Apart from the traditional components of the week (project management meeting, discussion on the current implementation status and open tasks, training and educational activities for ESRs), we would like to draw your attention to some of the highlights of NWWW IV:
the keynote lecture on Monday, 1 October 2018, guest speaker prof. Peter A. Clark - European Cities in Comparative Perspective,
Young urban(H)IST conference, 1 – 2 October 2018, with 23 active participants in two parallel sessions,
evening guided tour on a historic bus ŠKODA RTO, 3 October 2018, Košice Housing Estates at Night,
the Midterm Review Meeting with representatives of EC, 4 - 5 October 2018,
the interactive exhibition of 20th century Slovak history, 5 October 2018.
We believe you all enjoyed the meeting as much as the Košice team. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University is looking forward to hosting the urbanHIST consortium again in spring 2019.

urbanHIST NWWW IV - Programme
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During 1 - 5 October 2018, urbanHIST team at UPJŠ in Košice is organising the fourth workshop week in a series of network-wide workshop weeks (NWWW IV). An exciting week and intensive programme is promised. We are looking forward to meeting all ESRs, their supervisors and urbanHIST teams, as well as representatives of APOs, NAPOs and Advisory Board members within the consortium. The consortium will also welcome external guests and Young urban(H)IST Conference participants.

Young urban(H)IST Conference, 1-2 October 2018
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We are looking forward to meeting all participants of Young urban(H)IST Conference In Košice, Slovakia. The event is organised as a part of the all-network meeting, Network-Wide Workshop Week IV. Please, see the conference programme here.
Local Training Event at IUU-UVa – The Seminar "Imprints"
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The Seminar, taking place on 6 September 2018, is the starting point of the I + I Program. This is the name of the agreement signed between the two entities of the UVa, which is now materialized in the series of seminars History and Urban. The first of these seminars gives the kick-off to the training activity of the IUU in the new academic year. The Seminar, which is titled Imprints, has as its main objective the synthesis of the common elements of the research lines of the two institutes. The interventions will serve as a starting point to analyze how History has left its mark on the organization of urban and architectural heritage at European level. It is a seminar with a broad, eclectic and multidisciplinary vision of the transmission of culture through spatial and urban organization. The IUU has proposed the participation of doctoral students of the European urbanHIST program who are currently conducting their secondment at UVa. The work of these researchers has much in common, indeed, with the influence that the History of the 20th century has had on the European urban fact and on its contemporary perception as a trace of the most recent past. To this vision is added the perspective of the interventions of the members of the Simancas Institute, which in this case have to do with the use of urban resources in the Middle Ages, and the Modern Age and the imprint left by these resources in the current city. In this way, the seminar will offer a general overview of the meaning of urban heritage in our most immediate context.

urbanHIST wishes you great summer :)
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Dear urbanHIST community,
whether you currently pursue your research goals at secondment universities, in libraries and archives, attend summer schools in European cities or conferences further away, we wish all of you a really productive but also relaxing summer. We are looking forward to meeting again in the autumn months, with a lot of challenging events to participate in, ranging from a number of local training events and Ph.D. colloquia to Young urban(H)IST Conference and Network-Wide Workshop Week IV in Košice.
Enjoy summer and urbanHIST :)

ESR Colloquium III at UPJŠ
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On 2 July 2018, the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice organizes PhD. Colloquium within the training activities of urbanHIST. The urbanHIST Colloquium III will present the opportunity to discuss the individual research projects and research progress of four ESRs currently seconded at UPJŠ – Azmah Arzmi, Elvira Khairulina, Aliaksandr Shuba and Susanna Weddige.

Local Training Event at Uva – PhD. Colloquium
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On 15 June 2018, the ESRs currently spending their 6-month academic secondment at UVa – Helene Bihlmaier, Andrea Gimeno, Ondřej Jirásek and Jovana Vukčević, will be given the opportunity to present and discuss the research progress and research-related questions within their Individual Research Projects. The local training event is organised regularly based on the contractual obligations of urbanHIST. More details can be found on the attached poster.

Call for Papers – Young urban(H)IST Conference – Košice, 2 October 2018
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urbanHIST consortium invites you to participate in the Young urban(H)IST Conference on 2 October 2018. Call for Papers is already open! Please find all the details concerning the call topics as well as important deadlines in the attached documents. For any additional questions, feel free to contact the organisational team at UPJŠ (contact address in the document).

urbanHIST Consortium Meeting – NWWW III
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In line with one of the key objectives of urbanHIST project – building an innovative training network – the third periodic meeting on the overall consortium level, Network-Wide Workshop Week III, was organised in Spain on 16 – 20 April 2018 by Instituto Universitario de Urbanística, Universidad de Valladolid. Such meetings form an essential component of the urbanHIST project implementation. One-week long programme comprised all-consortium activities, including the beneficiaries and partner organisations. Challenging agenda was adapted to ‘Spanish timetable’: starting work at 8:15, having lunch at 14:00 and working until 20:00… avoiding the famous ‘siesta’ (and breaking stereotypes!).
Among the objectives of a variety of activities, one could find e.g. the already established overview of current implementation status and open tasks; however, the principal training and educational activities are regularly aimed at the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), doctoral students. The meeting agenda therefore consisted of, on one hand, issues related to the challenge of the project joint administration and on the other hand, ESRs presentations of their research projects progress. Important evolution in the doctoral research was appreciated and a lot of valued comments were received. The research-related part of the meeting included a number of workshops for the ESRs, aimed at the development of their research as well as educational skills. The program also introduced some innovations that were very well valued: an optional study visit to Madrid or indoor and outdoor paraller workshops.
We hope you all enjoyed the meeting as much as we did, so again, we thank all participants, members of Partner Organisations and Advisory Board for their active presence at the meeting. Last but not least, our appreciation belongs to the UVa team - the Research Group on Urban and Territorial Planning of Instituto Universitario de Urbanística (led by María Castrillo, Marina Jiménez and Víctor Pérez) who had been preparing this event since November 2017.
The fourth network wide training and working event will be held at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ in Košice in October 2018.

urbanHIST NWWW III - Programme
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During 15 - 20 April 2018, urbanHIST team at IUU-UVa, Valladolid is organising the third workshop week in a series of network-wide workshop weeks (NWWW III). An exciting week and intensive programme is promised. We are looking forward to seeing all ESRs, their supervisors and urbanHIST teams, as well as representatives of APOs, NAPOs and Advisory Board members within the consortium.

Second Series of urbanHIST Secondments: April to September 2018
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Within the urbanHIST innovative training network it is compulsory for the early stage researchers (ESRs) to complete three intersectoral secondments: a secondment of 3 months with a non-academic partner organisation (NAPO), a secondment of 3 months with an academic partner organisation (APO) and a secondment of 6 months with the second supervising university (= beneficiary).
In April 2018, within the second round of secondments, all of the ESRs are located at the second supervising research place, at one of the beneficiaries. The system of double academic supervision will lead to the awarding of a double degree which is based on Cotutelle agreements between the two beneficiaries involved in the supervision of the ESRs. ESRs will benefit from the exposure to different intersectoral environments, as it will provide them with valuable international and professional experience.
The beneficiaries welcome the following researchers:
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (BUW): Noel Manzano (UVa), Federico Camerin (UVa), Agnès Dudych (UPJŠ), Andreea Blaga (BTH)
Universidad de Valladolid (UVa): Helene Bihlmaier (BUW), Ondřej Jirásek (UPJŠ), Jovana Vukčević (UPJŠ), Andrea Gimeno (BTH)
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach (UPJŠ): Aliaksandr Shuba (BUW), Azmah Arzmi (BUW), Elvira Khairulina (UVa), Susanna Weddige (BTH)
Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH): Marcelo Sagot (BUW), Ksenija Krsmanovič (UVa), Adam Górka (UPJŠ)
We wish all of the researchers good luck and a fruitful 6-month research and study stay at their institutions.

urbanHIST Local Training - UVa Seminar 22nd March 2018
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Please find more details about the seminar here:
16.15: Patrimonial areas of rural environment. Experiences from IUU. Enrique Rodrigo & Mónica Martínez (University of Valladolid)
16.45: Forma Urbis: Graphic Atlas of historic city. Eduardo Carazo (University of Valladolid)
17.15: 4.0 Technology and City. Óscar Cosido (University of Cantabria)
17.45: Understanding of morphological changes in post-socialistic cities using virtual 3-D modeling. Adam Górka (Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach - urbanHIST)
18.30: (Progress in urbanHIST UVa ESRs’ research projects)
Planning and spontaneous urbanization in Madrid. Noel Manzano Gómez
The great property role in the last third of the 20th century European city construction: the case of the military properties.Federico Camerin
19.30: Debate
urbanHIST Local Training Event - Colloquium and Guest Lecture at UPJŠ
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On 14 March 2018, the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice organized PhD. Colloquium connected with the guest lecture within the training activities of EC-H2020-MSCA project urbanHIST implementation. The urbanHIST colloquium "The Other Half of Europe II" followed after the first part of this activity from December 2017. Also this time, two Early Stage Researchers hosted at the Department of History, Jovana Vukčević and Ondřej Jirásek, introduced their individual research projects and current research progress. In the afternoon, the academic audience was offered a unique opportunity to attend the guest lecture of urbanHIST Advisory Board member, Prof. UG dr.hab Mariusz Czepczyński (Uniwersitet Gdański, Poland) "Weaving the Urban Pasts from Myths, Memories, Narratives and Politics: On Cultural Geographies of Urban Histories". Please find photos attached.

urbanHIST Webinar#2: "L’architecture Engagée – How the Engaged Architecture Changed the European City?"
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It was on 8 February 2018 that 15 early stage researchers met again – virtually, to assist the urbanHIST webinar 2, hosted by the UPJŠ in Kosice. With various teams joining the lecture from Weimar, Valladolid, Milano, Dresden, Karlskrona, Stockholm and Madrid via video-conference, the webinar was a great occasion to share the urbanHIST spirit, ideas and questions throughout cities, universities and partner organisations.
The webinar hosted prof. Henrieta Moravčíková from the Department of Architecture at the Institute of Construction and Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, who gave a lecture "L’architecture Engagée – How the Engaged Architecture Changed the European City?". With the insight from Matrix, utopia, art and freedom, prof. Moravčíková analysed how the architecture was responding to societal challenges and needs in Europe over the last decades. Building a comprehensive framework for studying engaged architecture as a factor of structural changes and establishment of the new social orders, she suggested number of concepts and examples related to garden city, industrial city and even linear city in Europe.
During the lively discussion which followed the lecture, the urbanHIST researchers engaged in debate on the functions of the city, the process of managing variety of stakeholders in urban interventions and the town planning challenges in Europe. The inspiring webinar concluded with the joint brainstorming on variety of urban solutions that shape the European cities and general eagerness to continue lively discussion on these and related topics already in few weeks’ time, during the Network Wide Workshop Week III, this April in Valladolid.
For the recording of the webinar, please visit https://www.urbanhist.eu/video .

The Fourth Issue of urbanHIST Newsletter Published
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In the fourth issue of the project quarterly, you are invited to read e.g. the profile interview with the project director at Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach (Slovakia), Assoc. Prof. Martin Pekár, PhD. or find out more about the local project activities. urbanHIST Newsletter introduces various concepts of regular local training activities (IUU Fridays at UVA, Ph.D. colloquiua at BUW and UPJŠ, and Higher Seminar at BTH). Furthermore, urbanHIST ESRs introduce some of their research activities and ideas. Please, visit urbanHIST Newsletter section to find out more.
urbanHIST Webinar # 2: L’architecture engagée: How the Engaged Architecture Changed the European City
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urbanHIST webinars continue with the second session. On February 8, 2018, Prof. Dr. Ing. arch. Henrieta MORAVČÍKOVÁ from the Department of Architecture at the Institute of Construction and Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava and Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava will present the lecture on L’architecture engagée: How the Engaged Architecture Changed the European City. The webinar will be streamed from UPJŠ, Slovakia. Participants will be informed via email as to technical details.

First urbanHIST Secondment: January to March 2018
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For some of the Early Stage Researchers the new year began with new places in new countries with new colleagues. The first round of secondments in a non-academic partner organisation (NAPO) became reality.
As urbanHIST Grant Agreement explains, the aim of the non-academic secondment is to leave the “academic ivory tower” and initiate a self-reflection process aiming at (i) becoming aware of the role/ responsibility as a researcher while examining their research regarding its practical relevance/ influence on the society and (ii) providing insight into prospective non-academic careers. As ESRs are to gain an understanding of public concerns and needs, NAPOs are being instructed to put a special focus on the active integration of ESRs in their outreach activities. In addition, NAPOs shall support ESRs in posing and answering questions like “In what way can my research be of relevance for the professional practice?” “In what way does my research provide an answer to societal challenges?” “How may the findings of my research change the perception of the history of European urbanism?“
In the first round, the following ESRs are located at the following partner organisations:
Azmah Arzmi, BUW: Stadtmuseum Dresden, Germany
Helene Bihlmaier, BUW: International Planning History Society/ Planning Perspectives, UK
Adam Górka, UPJŠ: Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid, Spain
Andrea Gimeno, BTH: ArkDes Architecture and Design Centre in Stockholm, Sweden
Elvira Khairullina, UVa: Stadtmuseum Dresden, Germany
Ksenija Krsmanovic, UVa: Politecnico di Milano, Italy
We wish them a lot of success and good luck pursuing their career and research goals!

Season´s greetings and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!
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We thank you for your collaboration in 2017 and excited are looking forward to our joint activities in the year 2018.
María Castrillo, Marina Jiménez, Martin Pekár, Katarína Hajduková, Abdellah Abarkan, Annica Johansson, Max Welch Guerra, Britta Trostorff
urbanHISTs Local Directors and Coordinators
ESR Andrea Gimeno Sánchez awarded the „European“ Competiton in Warsaw
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The Project “The Excity” of our colleague, Early Stage Researcher Andrea Gimeno Sánchez has been awarded as one of the ex aequo winners for Europan Competition in Warsaw. The proposal was developed together with Lluís J. Liñán and Josep Vicent Lluch. Europan is a biennial competition for young architects under 40 years of age to design innovative housing schemes for sites across Europe. It is one of the most prestigious architecture awards on the emerging scene. Congratulations!
Jury Statement: “The project is based on the concept of transforming (urban) waste into an (urban) resource. The authors propose a superstructure that integrates and processes waste in various ways, for example as building material, as a source for energy production, or as “technical nutrients”. Waste materials from the “Excity” therefore form a new district through being reintegrated in the metabolism of the city in numerous ways. The proposed infrastructure enables various scales and forms of appropriation over time, including its own decline if the problem of waste is nally solved in future. The jury highly appreciates both the conceptual strength and the questions the project raises, which should be included in every discussion about (urban) future. The Europan site could consequently not only become a model development case for Warsaw, but also a general contribution with respect to urban development.”
The Award Ceremony will take place in Berlin on the 2nd of February 2018. For more information please follow the link to the competition: europan-europe.eu

Network-Wide Workshop Week II (Karlskrona, October 2 - October 6, 2017)
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In line with one of the key objectives of urbanHIST project – building an innovative training network – the second periodic meeting on the overall consortium level was organised last week in Karlskrona, Sweden by the BTH team. The autumn edition of urbanHIST Network-Wide Workshop Weeks took place at the Department of Spatial Planning, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, which is one of the four project beneficiaries. It was for the first time when the urbanHIST consortium has had the chance to meet all 15 Early Stage Researchers, also the ones recruited since September 2017, complemented by the members of the urbanHIST research as well as management teams, the representatives of the academic and non-academic partner organisations and the members of urbanHIST Advisory Board.
Within the overall meeting agenda, whose detailed overview can be found here, one could find a variety of joint activities, comprising, on one hand, research and training related workshops and on the other hand, issues related to the challenge of the project joint administration. The research part of the program included e.g. 6 workshops for the ESRs, 2 open lectures and last but not least, important supervision meetings of the ESRs and their supervisors. All of the ESRs presented, in a short exposé, their research projects. On the urbanHIST project management level, the members of consortium could listen to the first annual report presented by the urbanHIST project manager Britta Trostorff, find out more about the various aspects of the project implementation during the board and committee meetings. Let us not forget the networking and teambuilding aspect, which is also a prerequisite for a fruitful cooperation in the meetings to come.
The second network wide training and working event was organised in a positive and creative atmosphere, for which, our many thanks belong to the BTH team – Abdellah Abarkan (local director), Annica Johansson (local coordinator) and the ESRs at BTH. The next consortium meeting is held in April 2018 in Valladolid, Spain.

urbanHIST NWWW 2 Programme
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Next week (Oct 2 -Oct 6, 2017), urbanHIST team at BTH Karlskrona is organising the second workshop week in a series of network-wide workshop weeks (NWWW 2). Researchers and Phd students from various European educational but also non-academic institutions are participating. An exciting week and intensive program is promised. You can find more details about the program here. We are looking forward to seeing all ESRs, their supervisors and all urbanHIST teams within the consortium.

Meet the Complete urbanHIST Early Stage Researchers Team
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With the beginning of the new academic year, it is with great pleasure and honour that we introduce the complete ESR team – 15 ambitious and carefully selected scholars at an early stage of their academic careers. Together with their supervisors and consultants and with the support of urbanHIST management teams, they aim to develop a network of young researchers dedicated to increase the understanding of history of European urbanism of the 20th century. We wish all of them a lot of success in their efforts. You can view their academic profiles here.

Call for contributions to urbanHIST Newsletter
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The purpose of the urbanHIST Newsletter is to provide a communication platform for the whole project team to share their research experience inside and outside the urbanHIST consortium. It is also a platform for sharing or receiving information and news about urbanHIST project, beneficiaries and project partners. The newsletter provides a great opportunity for early stage researchers (PhD. students) to share their research work, expectations and opinions. Furthermore, the newsletter will also present personal profiles and interviews as well as new or interesting publications, conferences and events. Last but not least, the urbanHIST newsletter welcomes the input from the outside of the consortium and hopes to communicate the project philosophy and findings beyond the primary academic audience.

Recruitment of PhD Students - June 2017, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach
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On June 20-21, 2017, the Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice hosted the event of urbanHIST Early Stage Researcher recruitment procedure for free doctoral positions within the EC-H2020-MSCA funded project History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century (urbanHIST). The programme of the event was further composed of the meeting of directors and coordinators of the project.
Within the published call, two PhD positions were advertised for Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and two PhD positions were advertised for Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. 11 researchers from 7 countries showed their interest in the UPJŠ positions, i.e. in the research and study opportunities at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts. For the two positions at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany, again 11 applications were submitted by Early Stage Researchers also from 7 countries. Occupying the remaining four research positions out of the overall 15 EC-funded positions within the entire urbanHIST consortium, the major objective of the project has been achieved, together with the expected grant allocation exceeding 3.7 million EUR.
During the meeting of directors and coordinators, the overall budget for project activities as well as the next phase of the project implementation were discussed. The two-day meeting also included an informal social programme with the participation of the UPJŠ urbanHIST team members as well as the members of the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ.
We are looking forward to finally having all ESRs onboard and to meeting the new ESRs in person during the next consortium meeting in Karlskronna, Sweden in October 2017.
urbanHIST Webinar # 1: Modernist Urban Planning under Socialism and Its Crisis - the Case of Prague
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Don´t miss your spot during the first urbanHIST webinar! On June 16, 2017, Petr Roubal from Institute of Contemporary History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic will present two lectures on Modernist urban planning under socialism and its crisis - the case of Prague.

urbanHIST Call for ESR Positions Closed
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Even if some of the Early Stage Researchers already started their research activities during April and May 2017, it was only at the end of May 2017 that the urbanHIST call for ESR positions officially closed.
The second stage of the call was launched during February 2017 and it closed on May 31, 2017. The urbanHIST consortium received applications from ambitious researchers at an early stage of their career who are eager to continue their research activities on one of the open urbanHIST positions. The recruitment procedure will continue by careful examination of ESR applications and evaluating their eligibility. The invited candidates will have the opportunity to present their research projects to the consortium between June 20 and 21, 2017. The job interviews will be jointly conducted by urbanHIST directors and supervisors in Košice, Slovakia.
Researchers will start their doctoral study in September 2017.

Network-Wide Workshop Week I (Weimar, May 4 - May 6, 2017)
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One of the key objectives of the urbanHIST project is to build an innovative training network based on the interconnection of doctoral study programmes at the universities in Weimar, Valladolid, Košice and the Technology Institute in Karlskrona. The tool to build such a network is a variety of joint activities, including periodic joint meetings of the consortium, i.e. the four mentioned grant recipients, their partner organizations and, last but not least, the Early Stage Researchers - doctoral students. It is their excellent study that forms the top priority of the training network and the prerequisite for a successful implementation of the project.
The project periodic meetings, entitled Network Wide Workshop Weeks, are organised throughout the implementation period of the project always twice a year, in spring and autumn. The first Network Wide Workshop Week (NWWW I) took place on May 4-6, 2017, at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, at the Institute for European Urban Studies, which is the lead coordinator of the project.
The agenda of the meeting was focused on presenting detailed information about the project activities and its research and educational objectives. The program included three training workshops, individual supervision meetings of ESRs with their supervisors, lectures etc. (see the program). However, the most important item of the agenda in Weimar was getting to know each other and networking.
The first network wide training and working event was organised in a flawless, friendly and creative atmosphere. This fact, along with the proven talents of urbanHIST PhD students, is a prerequisite for successful and meaningful cooperation. The next consortium meeting is held in October 2017 in Karlskrona, Sweden.

The First Issue of urbanHIST Newsletter
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In April 2017, the electronic medium urbanHIST Newsletter started to be published within the dissemination framework of EC-H2020 international project History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century (urbanHIST).
urbanHIST Newsletter is issued on a quarterly basis, as a free-of-charge electronic medium. It is available on the project´s website (www.urbanhist.eu), on the official websites of urbanHIST beneficiaries and on urbanHIST social media (facebook and twitter).
The main priority of the newsletter is to provide the project team with a communication platform for exchanging research experience inside and outside the urbanHIST consortium. The quarterly creates space for sharing and receiving information and news about the urbanHIST project, its beneficiaries and partner institutions. It also provides an excellent opportunity for Early Stage Researchers (PhD students) to share information about their own research activities, present their expectations and opinions. Besides that, the periodical presents personal profiles and interviews, and introduces recent and stimulating publications, conferences and events with a thematic focus on urbanism and urban history.
In the first issue of urbanHIST Newsletter, you will learn not only about the urbanHIST project or its urbanhist.eu website, but also about significant project activities - such as the introductory consortium meeting in Weimar (Germany) in October 2016 and the selection procedure for 15 doctoral positions advertised within the urbanHIST project, which took place in Valladolid (Spain) in January 2017. The last page of the periodical introduces annotations of relevant publications and the report on the submission of the urbanHIST section at the 14th International Conference of Urban History EAUH 2018 in Rome.
We wish you a pleasant reading.
Editorial team

Recruitment of PhD Students January 2017, Universidad de Valladolid
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urbanHIST Researcher Recruitment Procedure
January 18-20, 2017
The urbanHIST recruitment procedure for 15 PhD positions took place on January 18 – 20, 2017 at Universidad de Valladolid, Spain. Admission boards of all beneficiaries within the H2020 funded project History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century (urbanHIST) met in order to carefully select eligible candidates for 15 PhD positions at individual universities. The overall number of applicants was 56, representing diversity of countries, also non-European. 36 invited candidates presented their research projects as well as their scientific expertise and language proficiency.
We are happy to announce that due to their impressive applications and presentations, 11 ESR candidates were selected. However, 4 remaining positions will be offered within the second call of the selection procedure. For more information on the second call, follow our webpage.
The next planned meeting of the entire project team will be hosted by Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Germany in May 2017.

Consortium Kick-off Meeting
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October 2016, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
The urbanHIST kick-off meeting, organised by Bauhaus-Universität Weimar successfully took place on October 17-19, 2016 in Weimar, Germany with a considerable participation from the consortium members.
Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie Innovative Training Networks- European Joint Doctorate (ITN-EJD) under the grant agreement 721933, urbanHIST will be running for 48 months (October 2016 – September 2020).
The meeting was the occasion for the consortium members to present and discuss the main activities to be carried on concerning the recruitment of ESRs and agreed on a common strategic workplan and timeline for the coming months.
The next consortium meeting will take place in January 2017 (recruitment of ESRs) in Valladolid, Spain.